22 Jun 2021 balancing energy Tender SCB Trading Hub Europe (THE GmbH) is inviting bids for the provision of balancing services in order to meet its long-term balancing requirements in the multi-quality market area NetConnect Germany, with bids being requested for the bilateral product “Short-Call Balancing Services” (SCB).
15 Jun 2021 balancing energy Tender Balancing gas FLEX Tender for the provision of balancing services in the market area Trading Hub Europe for the product Flexibility Services - Winter 2021/2022
13 Jun 2021 balancing energy List of entry and exit points Trading Hub Europe GmbH to publish an overview of the entry and exit points (allocation groups "Entryso/Exitso") relevant to the trading of exchange products for the market area THE.
3 Jun 2021 balancing energy Tender Market Maker Invitation to tender for the provision of market-making services at the Virtual Trading Point for the second half of 2021.